The Himalayas…

Torn between editing my second book or cleaning the house…hmmm didn’t take long to get out of both things, I’ve decided to write a blog instead.

I’m enjoying reading through Summer Madness - honest. It’s surprising when you forget for a while that it’s your own book and just enjoy it, then I come across a sentence that sounds wrong and remember, wow this is actually my book. I’ve written this!

Since Spring Fever came out, if I were a character, my emotional graph would look like the Himalayas:

My book idea is amazing! Did you like it, it’s rubbish isn’t it? OMG I can’t believe my friends are so excited about it! (No I don’t really talk like that) Why haven’t all my friends bought it? I can’t believe people are buying it! Why haven’t I got any reviews? Yay, I’ve got 3 amazing reviews! The book’s not long enough, I wish I could be funnier. I haven’t got time to write, I have all this time and I haven’t written anything…. Should I contact a publisher? Don’t bother, it will put me off writing. Why have some people not finished it yet? It can’t be that good. My book idea is amazing...You get my drift.

Actually, I was very brave the other day and actually visited a local independent bookshop. They were very supportive and encouraged me to meet some authors and they said I could sell my books at the Indie Market on the 18th March. This is a huge step and very scary (graph is very wobbly right now) so, as long as they don’t change their mind, I’ll advertise the place when I know it’s definitely happening.

Right, I suppose I’d better clean the house now…

Update- went to the seaside instead.


Summer Madness


Family Issues